
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010 comments


Minggu, 05 Desember 2010 comments

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Daniel Sahuleka 1981 Bring memories to Jakarta

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010 comments
JAKARTA, - Memories of 1981 taken by Dutch artists bloody Moluccas, Daniel Sahuleka, to stage the show in Jakarta, Wednesday (24/3/2010) evening. Located at The Lounge, Hotel Le Grandeur, Jakarta, Daniel opened his solo performances with the song "Imagine". He sang to the accompaniment of acoustic guitar solos favorite. "I have new songs and old songs from the 1970s and 1980s. I hope you all like it," Daniel said before singing 'Imagine'. Under the dim lighting, Daniel's guitar sounded so calm down to the lobby of the hotel, as if to call the music enthusiasts to go to The Lounge. As the audience arrived, Daniel launched the love songs from the repertoire of the show that night. "Here, a song from my latest DVD. I hope you like it," Daniel said in English, then presents "If I Did not". Not only entertaining, Daniel also expressed a sense of longing for his fans in a song. "By the way, it's good to see you again, after a few years. Hey it's good to see you, and deliver" Hey It's Good to See You Back Again "and" Judy ".
After devoting a sense of longing, Daniel's turn now invites the audience to return to the era of the 1980s. "Thank you, of course I hope you feel this wonderful evening with me. Next, I try to bawain hit song in 1970. Bawain song I like a passport to come into the country (Indonesia) is so good," he said. "I try remember. The first time came to Indonesia in 1981, so I went to the hotel, I just feel that Indonesia seemed different from the Netherlands. I just know there is traffic jam. I said, 'This is where? Oh this in Jakarta, yes'. Until now I still feel Amaze, "recalls Daniel followed the intro song" Jakarta "and" Finaly Home Again ". After recalls his first experience of setting foot in Indonesia as a musical artist in 1981, was born in Semarang, December 6, 1950, it continues to make the audience dissolves in a romantic mood that night. "No Need to Hide" was launched.
Justify Full Sign in to track seven, Daniel returned to give a warm greeting. "Next of Albumku in the 1970s, maybe you remember," said Daniel. Recently Daniel fingers play the intro song, the audience immediately whistled and clapped. They are familiar with the song titled "You Make My World So Colorful". "If you want to sing up," he added in mid-song. That night Daniel quite intimate with the audience. Humor can make the whole room laughed. "The song is now about the rain. Jakarta continued to rain, yes. Floods. If the flood here, they still can laugh. Try the Dutch floods, they could not laugh because the Dutch cold, yes," Daniel joked before singing "The Rain". Daniel did not miss teasing the women who attended that night. "I want to sing a song for everyone huh? I sing to her a sweet tooth. Women indonesia 's sweet tooth, you know, I got to see him embarrassed. Man can not live without love. The Dutch say, if falling in love feels like butterfly butterflies in the stomach, "he said, followed by the laughter of the audience before listening to" I Adore You ".

Daniel, who often drank mineral water, occasionally complained thirsty. However, it was deliberately done to add a warm atmosphere before singing his hit most awaited. "One moment I was thirsty. I was a drinker. The song just once, yes. You're not tired?" she exclaimed, as if to shut pementasannya. "what song it about?" Daniel continued. "Know your song content?" says Daniel. " 'Do not Begadang' (song )..." Rhona Rhythm shouted one spectator from the corner of the stage. "Well that's it, I got you, 'Do not Sleep this Night Away'," Daniel said then the hysteria of the audience who can not wait to sing along. After singing that song, Daniel returned to say goodbye. But, the connoisseurs of the music seemed never satisfied. "Once more ... the love of the spirit ...," shouts of the crowd came again, asking Daniel kept on singing. "You people do not have a show, huh? Tomorrow morning we are still here do-do, huh?" Daniel said in jest before rolling the "The Sun Light" and "You are My Sunburn". "I sang one more time, yes, but we are singing together. I should sing one hour, two hours instead of this. Thank you 've come tonight. Thank you from my heart. I have dated back to the 30 Dutch and you are always in my heart, "she said goodbye and closed the pementasannya with the single" Must You Go Away ".

More Like Acting Asmirandah.

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010 comments

EVEN tried his fortune in the kitchen recording, the artist was feeling pretty Asmirandah better suited in the world of acting. For women the full name of this Zantman Asmirandah, soap operas and films have become part of his life. These last few years, vocalist Robin Hood vocal group has never missed to play soap opera. "Each year can feel the soap opera alhamdulillah. That is, each year there must be a soap opera starring me," said Asmiranda when found, the abacus, South Jakarta. He admitted he had loved acting, so for the future, maybe he's not far away -far from sinteron.

"If the world is now plunged into singing, it's a new world for me and I just started enjoying it," bebrnya. Dutch woman was admitted things done always will diseriusi. Even with the college, should also be serious. In fact, he briefly attended bener completely for six months, so demand must leave before acting. Andah, so Asmirandah used to be called, since the 2008's to his voice tensile world. Country music sphere is made lively again with his involvement with the band of Robin Hood. This band of six young men from digawangi Banjarmasin. Andah involvement in the band that became one with the music management is considered Andah Rossa as warming as hobby mengasal vocals. Asmirandah'm wrong We sang in the debut of Robin Hood. (TRIBUNNEWS)


LAGU-song lyrics that use Indonesian, apparently loved American music lovers. In fact, when one of the top bands homeland, Dental appearance in New York, people there like Amrika sang them. The fact is, making teeth digawangi Arman, god Budjana, Thomas Ramdhan and Gusti Hendy continues to maintain Indonesia lirik lagu when gigs abroad. In fact, they reduce or eliminate sing songs in English. "Let people overseas do not understand but they still like it. If you do not understand the language, they can still enjoy his music. All can be seen from the response," said Arman Maulana when found after filling the event that the birthday-Strikes 2, Wednesday (23 / 3).
Performances held in foreign countries with their own song by singing in English could be the media to popularize the music, Dewi Gita's husband pleaded not want to impose ourselves. He was not thought to make the English lyrics. "I'm not going back for belain English lyrics just make it. We do not want maksain because not with English lyrics to be good music. The reason, a different culture. But if it There may be matched with the song we just made a song in English, "he said. Although frequently performed abroad, and the senior does not mean that Gigi had the desire to go international. "I think the longer a band or a singer, not the size he had to go international. Gigi had quite often seen in foreign countries. So we do not BASED we should really go international," he said. (Persda Network / esy)

Viking Reject Film Distribution Romeo & Juliet

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010 comments

JAKARTA, TRIBUN - The backlash against the movie Romeo & Juliet, not only comes from the Viking camp, eleven Arsenal supporters, through the Chief's camp Jakmania Generally, Danang Ismartani also voiced rejection of the film director Joseph Andibachtiar, which will be played in 21 theaters network, Thursday, 23 April next. "In this case we agree with the Viking camp, that we also object to the film. I see, this movie does not educate, so emphasize the violence," he said when contacted in Jakarta on Monday (20 / 4). So far, the Jakmania, did not want to give relevant further reaction would spread film. "We're still waiting. We'll deliver the letter objected after the film out (the cinema). Is to educate the public as well, so that such things should not be continued (showing). And, my friends support it," he said. "To be sure, in the near future we will create the film's action," said Danang.

Reasons for rejection Jakmania to film starring Sissy borne Prescillia and Edo, the continued Danang, more because it is too highlight the violence. "For me it hypocritical when they say wanted to unite the two often warring supporters, while the content featured film more violent side. We actually wanted to laugh at," said Danang. Responding to the release of the film, the Viking camp also gave his reaction to the shot of the party SOMASI 21 cinemas to show a film thought better of it. "We did not conduct a conversation with Viking stronghold, but this time we are the same vision. Even if we fight, but we have the same view of this movie," he said. Responding to the objections, the Joseph Andibachtiar or commonly addressed Ucup, react with ease. After all, he says, this is the condition that occurs in the arena of football country. Admittedly, via film Romeo & Juliet, he just wanted to describe the existing conditions. Indonesian football never moved from tawuran inter-action supporters. Frenzied violence, which was itself drowned football accomplishments. "I had already received a letter from camp SOMASI Vikings, but so far, will not interfere with the delivery schedule. Remain as scheduled," he said. ( / EH)


Kamis, 25 Maret 2010 comments

JAKARTA, TRIBUN-Raja Kelantan, Malaysia, denied the beautiful model Manohara Odelia Pinot kidnapped. Sebalilknya he said, Mano actually enjoying happiness with her husband, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry. Disclaimer King Kelantan was disampaikm through relatives in Jambi, M. Iqbal Ismail Fahmi. The Warta Kota, Iqbal said, the case with Manohara is purely a dispute between son and mother. Iqbal claimed to have strong evidence of the photographs Manohara was traveled with her husband visited the Kelantan people. "His weight increased 8 pounds," he said by telephone in Jakarta, Thursday (23 / 4) night. According to Iqbal, Manohara Umrah trip with his mother and brother is a birthday gift for Manohara. "We ask that this family matter is not politicized because of personal problems which Manohara was married with three sons (the youngest) Raja Kelantan," he said.

As reported, there are allegations of illegal confinement and kidnapping the son of King conducted Kelantan, Malaysia, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry, the beautiful models from Indonesia, Manohara Odelia Pinot. Tengku and Manohara marriage was called the mother, Daisy Fajarina, is the unofficial marriage, because without the guardian of the Manohara and without a KUA. Mano, so she was greeted French blood, Tengku married on August 26 2008. Reportedly given a dowry of 50,000 Malaysian ringgit (or approximately USD 150 million) and a number of luxury jewelry. "They just got married siri," said Daisy. Daisy admitted that he had shot a letter to First Lady Ani Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, through his legal, OC Kaligis, three weeks ago. Mano, beautiful women born February 28, 1992 which had been selected models in the 100 charm Indonesia Herver's Bazaar Magazine's, have two nationalities, namely the United States citizen and the citizen.

Daisy says, is because Mano had two fathers. "My real dad Mano from America, named George Mother. But, we were divorced. Mano adopted my husband who came from France, Reiner Pinot Noack," he said. (KCM)