hijau daun

cokelat band

they want their music show will be enjoyed by all circles, as well as chocolate foods. Personnel: a Namara Surtikanti nicknamed Kikan (vocals), Ervin Sham Elias (drums), Ernest Fardiyan Sjarif (guitar), Febrianto Nugroho Surjono or Ronny (bass) and Edwin Marshal Sharif (guitar).
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Origin Devon, England
Genre Rock Alternative
Progressive rock
Years active 1994-present
Warner Bros. record label. Records
Eastwest Records
Atlantic Records
Helium 3
MUSE.mu website
Matthew Bellamy
Chris Wolstenholme
Dominic Howard
MUSE is a British music group that has kind of music that combines different streams of music. MUSE combines classical flow, modern, and even Latin in their songs. The band was formed in Devon in 1994. Members of the band consists of three men: Matthew Bellamy (singer, guitarist, pianist), Dominic Howard (drums), and Chris Wolstenholme (bass). After the launch of their fourth album, Morgan Nicholls and Dan the Trumpet Man is also often performed in concert MUSE, as a keyboardist and backing vocals and to Dan the Trumpet Man appeared as a trumpeter for the song knights of Cydonia, and so on.
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seventeen band

Seventeen is the origin band group of Yogyakarta that of the five young children, Doni (vokal), Banu (bass), Andi (drum), Yudhi (guitar) and Herman (guitar) who likes to play music since sitting still in the SMU
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- seventeen
Wali Band

Wali Band is a genre of music group Pop Creative Local established on October 31, 1999, with personnel consisting of Faank (vocals), Apoy (guitar), Tom (drums), Ovie ((keyboard & synt), and Nunu (bass). Albums their first release titled ORANG BILANG March 26, 2008
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Aku cinta Allah (lirik lagu)
Andaikan diriku bisa
Seperti yang lain
Yang Kau sayang
Yang Kau rindukan
Yang Kau cintai*
Aku lemah tanpaMu aku lelah
Aku sungguh tak berdaya
Yaa Allah
Setiap air mataku mengalir
Allah aku lemah dan tak berarti
Setiap derai tangis membasahi
Allah jangan tinggalkan aku lagi
Aku sayang Allah
Aku rindu Allah
Aku Cinta Allah
Back to *
Back to Reff
Back to **
Back to Reff
Egokah(lirik lagu)
Ku… tak pernah merasa
Gundah di hatiku, Ketika denganmu
Saat kau, Kau belai rambutku
Kau temani aku, Kau basuh lukaku
Kini semua berlalu
Karena engkau tak memilihku
Salahkah aku mencintaimu
Walau kutahu kutak dihatimu
Egokah aku memilikimu
Walau kutahu kau tak memilihku
Kuharap tuhan cabut nyawamu
Agar tak ada yang milikimu
Sadarkah kini ku tak rela
Iman ku telah sirna
Mimpiku tak nyata
Kini semua berlalu
Karena engkau tak memilihku
Salahkah aku mencintaimu
Walau kutahu kutak dihatimu
Egokah aku memilikimu
Walau kutahu kau tak memilihku
Kuharap tuhan cabut nyawamu
Agar tak ada yang milikimu
Kuharap tuhan cabut nyawamu
Agar tak ada yang milikimu
Emang dasar (lirik lagu)
Aku tahu kamu
Kamu seorang baingan
Aku tahu kamu
Kau banyak jurus andalan
Matamu stereo
Lihat ke kiri ke kanan
Apalagi menawan
Pasti bakal kebobolan
* Tapi ada satu
Hal yang harus kamu tahu
Wanita juga tak mau
Bila terus-terus kau tipu
Satu pasangan tak cukup
Dua simpanan juga tak cukup
Emang dasar, ah emang dasar
Eh dasar kau bajingan
Kamu mau apalagi
Kamu mau yang gimana lagi
Ah emang dasar, emang dasar
Eh dasar kau bajingan!
Aku tahu kamu
Kamu seorang baingan
Aku tahu kamu
Kau banyak jurus andalan
Matamu stereo
Lihat ke kiri ke kanan
Apalagi menawan
Pasti bakal kebobolan
* Tapi ada satu
Hal yang harus kamu tahu
Wanita juga tak mau
Bila terus-terus kau tipu
Satu pasangan tak cukup
Dua simpanan juga tak cukup
Emang dasar, ah emang dasar
Eh dasar kau bajingan
Kamu mau apalagi
Kamu mau yang gimana lagi
Ah emang dasar, emang dasar
Eh dasar kau bajingan!
Cari Jodoh (lirik lagu)
Hidupku di rundung pilu
Tak ada yang mau dan menginginkan aku
Tuk jadi pengobat pilu
Tuk jadi penawar rindu
Tuk jadi kekasih hatiku
Timur ke barat selatan ke utara
Tak juga aku berjumpa
Dari musim duren hingga musim rambutan
Tak kunjung aku dapatkan
Tak jua aku temukan
Oh Tuhan inikah cobaan
Ibu-ibu bapak-bapak
Siapa yang punya anak
Bilang aku aku yang tengah malu
Sama teman-temanku
Karna cuma diriku yang tak laku-laku
Siapa yang mau bantu
Tolong aku kasihani aku
Tolong carikan diriku kekasih hatiku
Siapa yang mau
Back to *, **, ***
Ibu bapak punya anak
Bilang-bilang aku aku yang tengah malu
Sama teman-temanku
Karna cuma diriku yang tak laku-laku
Back to ***
Jodi (Jodo ditinggal mati)/lirik lagu
Bicara tentang cinta
Bicara manusia
Bicara tentang setia
Setia yang ku alami
Setia sampai mati
Sampai buat ku begini
Dan aku begini
Karna kekasih hatiku telah pergi
Dan takkan kembali
Ia telah mati
Kenalkan namaku...
Aku Jodi jomblo ditinggal mati
Jadi pacarku tak rugi
Aku Jodi jomblo ditinggal mati
Pokoknya buy one get one free
Aku Jodi jomblo ditinggal mati
Yang pasti ku setia sampai mati
Dan orang-orang kini memanggilku jodi
Jodi jomblo ditinggal mati
Tapi tak apa-apa sungguh aku suka
Karna ku lambang setia
Back to #
Kenalkan namaku...
Back to Reff
Back to #
Hmm.. Kenalan dong
Back to ** 2x
Mari Shalawat(lirik lagu)
Sholatullah salamullah, ‘ala Thoha Rasulillah
Sholatullah salamullah, ‘ala Yasin Habibillah
Tawasalna bibismillah, wa bilhadi Rasulillah,
Wa kulli mujahidin lillah, bi ahli badri, ya Allah
Daripada kita pacaran
Lebih baik kita sholawatan
Daripada kita berduaan
Nanti bakal di hasut setan
Awas jangan dekat-dekatan
Kita 'kan belum ada ikatan
Daripada dekat-dekatan
Mending kita sholawatan
Sholatullah salamullah, ‘ala Thoha Rasulillah
Sholatullah salamullah, ‘ala Yasin Habibillah
Tawasalna bibismillah, wa bilhadi Rasulillah,
Wa kulli mujahidin lillah, bi ahli badri, ya Allah
Bukan aku tak suka padamu
Bukan aku tak mau denganmu
Tapi aku mau liat dulu
Setebal apa imanmu
Sudahlah engkau lupakan
Anggap saja kita ta’arufan
Sudahlah jangan kau pikirkan
Mending kita sholawatan
Sholatullah salamullah, ‘ala Thoha Rasulillah
Sholatullah salamullah, ‘ala Yasin Habibillah
Tawasalna bibismillah, wa bilhadi Rasulillah,
Wa kulli mujahidin lillah, bi ahli badri, ya Allah
Orang Bilang (lirik lagu)
Kamu bilang padaku bahwa kamu benar sayang
Kau bilang aku kau akan selalu sayang
Dan kamu bilang aku cinta kamu sayang
Kamu bilang padaku bahwa kamu benar cinta
Kau bilang aku kau akan selalu cinta
Dan kamu bilang aku sayang kamu cinta
Tapi orang bilang katanya kamu ga sayang
Orang bilang katanya kamu ga cinta
Orang bilang tentang kamu orang bilang…
Sekarang kamu bilang bahwa kamu paling sayang
Sekarang bilang bahwa kamu paling cinta
Sekarang bilang aku siap mati sayang…
Kamu bilang padaku bahwa kamu benar sayang
Kau bilang aku kau akan selalu sayang
Dan kamu bilang aku cinta kamu sayang
Kamu bilang padaku bahwa kamu benar cinta
Kau bilang aku kau akan selalu cinta
Dan kamu bilang aku sayang kamu cinta
Tapi orang bilang katanya kamu ga sayang
Orang bilang katanya kamu ga cinta
Orang bilang tentang kamu orang bilang…
Sekarang kamu bilang bahwa kamu paling sayang
Sekarang bilang bahwa kamu paling cinta
Sekarang bilang aku siap mati sayang…
Tapi orang bilang katanya kamu ga sayang
Orang bilang katanya kamu ga cinta
Orang bilang tentang kamu orang bilang…
Sekarang kamu bilang bahwa kamu paling sayang
Sekarang bilang bahwa kamu paling cinta
Sekarang bilang aku siap mati sayang…
Hoooo… Hooo…
Yaa Allah (lirik lagu)
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah
Ya Allah jangan Kau coba aku
Melebihi batas mampu dan sanggupku
Ya Allah bila memang Kau coba
Aku percaya Kau sayang padaku
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah
Ya Allah lindungilah diriku
Dari yang menjahati menzhalimiku
Ya Allah Kaulah Maha Segala
Engkaulah pelindung hidup dan matiku
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah
Ya Allah jangan Kau coba aku
Melebihi batas mampu dan sanggupku
Mbah Surif

Urip Rijanto bin Achmad Soekotjo, (born in Mojokerto, East Java, May 6, 1957 - died in Jakarta, August 4, 2009 at age 52 years) , or more popularly known as Mbah Surip, is an Indonesian singer. He is popular because of his laughter and his style is unique, and because the songs from the album Not Hold it in 2003, also titled Tak Gendong.
Mbah Surip known as confession in the mass media often heard joking. He claimed to have worked in the field of oil drilling and diamond mines. He also claimed to have degrees Doctorandus, engineers, and MBA, and never venture outside the country such as Canada, Texas, Jordan, and California. According to Mbah Surip, he created the song was Hold while in the United States, the theme of cooperation hand in hand and learn the wrong
Ada Band

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Sri Rossa Roslaina Handiyani
Sumedang, West Java, 09 October 1978
Rossa has the full name of Sri Rossa Roslaina Handiyani, born in Sumedang, West Java, October 9, 1978. He is a wing pop singer.
Rossa as blood flowed from his mother a singer, Kusmiani Eni, the former singer and her father Cianjuran an entrepreneur, UKAS Hasan Irawan. He himself first child of three brothers, Iwan and Hendra.
melly goeslaw

Venue: Bandung,
Date of Birth: January 7, 1974
Zodiac: Capricorn
Religion: Islam
Dear Parent: Melky Ayala (alm) & Ersy Sulessy
Child to: 1 of 2
Brother: Yuliana
Status: Married
Husband: Anto Hoed
Education: High School Graduates BPI
Address: no.8 East Jl.Daksinapati Komp. UI, Rawamangun Jakarta Timur Indonesia

d'Masiv, a group formed in 2007 which now consist of Ryan (vocals), Riki (guitar), Rama (guitar), Rai (bass), and Revelation (drums). D'Masiv name became famous after winning A Mild Live Wanted.
Their first album, released in 2008 AMENDMENT, with the song Cinta Ini Membunuhku.
End of June 2008, d'Masiv fan club formed to unify their fans, which is named Masiver.
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Siti Nurhaliza
Post-release first album, Siti so quickly recognized as being a singer who brings character of local culture wither. The songs that evolved rhythmic pop, R & B and keep it wither bernafaskan rhythm, pengemarnya festive welcome in Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia. That the release of the album.
Until the couple's daughter Tarudin Ismail and Siti Salmah Bachik this, pocketed some National and International awards and was named as one of the Asian pop diva.

Ridlo Irama

Modern seems to follow his father to take part as a singer dangdut. Currently Ariyo, who was born in Jakarta, January 14, 1989 was introduced in the Indonesian dangdut.
In the new year 2009 and then, the father, Wahab, invites Ridho to appear on stage with dangdut band Sonnet.
Ridho has fallen in love with dangdut music since childhood and since the junior class has been on stage 3 dangdut accompany his father.
To pack different dangdut music, the band formed Ridho dangdut, SONET 2, and began launching dangdut debut album on January 22, 2009. Together with SONET 2, Ridho dangdut pop music brings. On this album, the king of dangdut involvement is still quite large.
Name: Muhammad Modern Rhythms
Sex: Male
Religion: Islam
place / date / birth: Jakarta, February 14, 1989

roma irama

His father, Raden Burdah Anggawirya a former guerrilla commander at the time the White Garuda independence. He gave the name 'Rhythm' as sympathetic to the original theatrical group called the Rhythm Jakarta Baru had been invited to entertain troops in Tasikmalaya. He is very good at playing musical instruments and singing songs cianjuran. While mother named Tuti Juariah, it is also a good gentility and also in singing, like the song No Other Love Wahab often heard as a child.
Sonnet dangdut music group founded Rhoma Irama will soon enter the age of 34. At almost the same time, December 11 next birthday and the founder of the group. As a form of thanksgiving and reflection travel Sonnet, Wahab plans to release a biography titled 'Satria Bergitar.
The book will contain lika Meander along his life journey kebanggannya group, Sonnet. "When I founded the Sonnet, I never thought that Sonnet would be terlanggeng music group in the world," he said.


But in November 2006, two members, Andika and Indra was fired from the band. The split was triggered by the difference principle of creativity, while Ariel has revealed there is a problem since the launch of the first album, Taman Langit. Even Andika and Indra also admitted that he had come out of Peterpan since October 8, 2006.
ST 12

Initially, four personnel is not known each other, although they have long been in the music world. They began to close after often met in the studio rental in the East 12th Street Station, Bandung, Pepep property. They were finally officially established ST12 on January 20, 2005. ST12 name is an abbreviation of Jl. East Station No. 12 is a provision Pepep father, Helmi Aziz.
Although these personnel have four streams of different favorite music, Charly fond of jazz, jazz and Pepep like rock, while Pepeng grew up with rock music, but they compromise to make ST12 wing wither.
ST12 forced to release their debut album through the independent (indie) because no label wants to accommodate them. Unfortunately, in October 2005, when the album promotional tour in Semarang, Iman Rush died of a broken blood vessel in the brain.
Trinity Optima Production will begin to look ST12 after debut album, THE WAY THE BEST (2005), achieving success. The second album, PUSPA (2008) is dedicated to the Faith, released under the label of Trinity.

Krisdayanti (born March 24, 1975 in Malang, East Java) is the first Asia Bagus Grand Champion from Indonesia. The first recording that she did was when she was just a 9-year-old girl. For that, she received Rp 15,000 for dubbing the Megaloman soundtrack. Her next album was Burung-Burung Malam. She recorded it at the age of 12. However, her album did not do well.
During her high-school days, she participated in many singing competitions and modeling pageants. In 1991, she became a finalist in Gadis Sampul, a cover girl contest. It was also during that period she met James Sundah and recorded two songs for him. With that, she began to receive many invitations to sing and model.It was Youngki Suwarno who brought Krisdayanti to an Asia Bagus audition. There, she felt inferior because of her appearance. The other contestants were decked in glittering show dresses whereas she was simply dressed in jeans and T-shirt.After her winning, she became a star instantly. With eight albums to her credit and a few singles, she has reached superstardom. She is not only known in her country but around the Southeast Asian region as well. She has two children with her husband, Anang Hermansyah. They are divorced after Krisdayanti's multiple extra-marital affairs.
Bunga Citra Lestari

Nick: BCL
Birthdate: March 22, 1983
Father: Muchlis Rusli
Mother: Emmy Sharif
Husband: Asraf Sinclair
Hobbies: Singing, Acting
Career: Singer, Actress, and Model
Album: Dealova, Cinta Pertama, The Best of Ari Lasso, and Tentang Kamu.
Filmography: Cinta Pertama, Kangen, Ada Kamu Ada Aku, and Saus Kacang
ita purnamasari

Surabaya, East Java, June 15, 1967
Purnamasari Ita Ita full name Purnamasari Diah, born in Surabaya, East Java, June 15, 1967. Ita known as slow rock singer who had fame with his hit song, Snake Dancers.
In this musical journey has released albums Ita Cinta (2002), semakin sayang,semakin cinta(1996), Songs Best & Most Popular (1995), Best Song and Popular (1995), terlanjur cinta,Sampai Hatimu and others.
Women who had joined the musical group Three Dara, with Sylvana Herman and Paramitha Rusady it reduces its activity as a musician and more concentrated as a musician Dwiki Dharmawan wife and mother of Muhammad Fernanda Dharmawan.
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aura kasih

Aura Kasih began his career as Miss Indonesia 2007 finalists represent the province of Lampung. Aura is now acting to try to play in the film Asmara Dua Diana. The film was released in December 2008. In this film, but against the role, Aura also sang the soundtrack of this movie. This soundtrack was released in December 2008 withTajuk Puncak Asmara
agnes monica
pas band

Their first album was released as an indie album called Four Through The Sap was released in 1993. ThenOn the second album In (No) Sensation (1995) until now, they are towed by Aquarius Musikindo. This label free them to work. Although not able to embrace all people through his music which is unusual, but they began to build a loyal mass base with their chosen path followed a second album, In (No) Sensation (1995). and the third album indieVduality (1997).
In 1998 Pas Band released the album back four, labeled Psycho ID (1998). In this album they are no longer accompanied by Richard Muttler (drums), after resigned and was replaced the previous Sandy U'Camp personnel.
Despite changing formations, Pas Band continued to work, until the release respectively KETIKA... (2001), PAS 2.0 (2003) and "Stairway to Seventh (2004)
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The Changcuters becoming known since starred in mobile advertising provider in the jargon "beuu". Their names also soared after starring in the movie The Tarix Jabrix (2008)
ungu band

The flow of music: pop progressive
Piece of music: 4 albums, 3 mini albums (religion), 1 compilation album
Label: Trinity Optima Production
Former members: Ekky (guitar), Regine Velasquez (vocals), Pasha Van derr Krabb (drums)
Initially, all the personnel came from different bands
Makki is the only initial personnel who are still active today
The reason the name Ungu: simple but impressive majestic, a combination of several colors
Cliquers is the name for fans of Ungu
Ungu Band biography titled "Purple Book Magazine" (May 10, 2007)
Nidji band

Nidji's name was a refinement of words taken from Niji Japanese language which means rainbow. Nidji can be interpreted as a bond of color and concept songs that reflect the color of their music is diverse.
Nidji music concept offers a unique blend of modern rock elements, such as progressive, funk, alternative and pop. As ever released his debut album Nidji Breakthru.
Debu (musik)

Dust consists of Daood Abdullah (drums), Fatimah Husniah (saz, violin), Layla Wafiyah (harp, kanoon, tambourine, vocals), Mustafa Ibn Daood (lead vocals, oud, violin, arranger, composer), Ali Mujahid Abdullah (bass , backing vocals), Naimah Mahmoud (mandolin, percussion, oud), Binhassan Ali Shakur (percussion, violin), Najmah Hakimah (santoor, violin, violin instructor, composer), Naseem Nahid DeVoe (percussion, riq), Muhammad Saleem (flute , percussion, vocals), Syakura Yasirah (violin, saz) and Abdul Wahab (percussion).
And brought Islamic songs and music nuanced desert, Dust to preach through songs that they bring. According to Dust, the music is the most universal language, capable of acceptable among any, in any part of the world.
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The youngest of three brothers and Siti partner Satinem Sumadi was happy to sing since childhood. Luck came when singer Hadad Alwi chanter peace for the children to duet with him. Sulis name immediately skyrocketed after bringing hymns Sholawat prophet who managed to take the hearts of the fans. His first recording experience was when she was 9 years old elementary school class III. Now there was, the little girl singing debut since 1999 it has grown. Eight years of the world to his sound attraction, has 12 albums he produced, including singles and compilations. His name was now synonymous with religious songs.
In 2007, Sulis both released solo albums. An album titled Ya Allah this is his 12th album. Not like the usual other Islamic religious songs, colored with lute and drum music, the album was replaced with drums and guitar even more nge-beat. Previously, Sulis has also released solo albums Cinta Rasul 4 (2004).
albums with Hadad Alwi Sulis Cinta Rasul is 1, the Apostle of Love 2, Cinta Rasul 3, Cinta Rasul 5, Cinta Rasul 6, 7 and the Apostle of Love Sulis With Orchestra. Although has released dozens of albums, Sulis keep trying to improve the quality of singing. He studied at Anwar Fauzi, who is also the creator of several songs that he brought.

The man who claimed to have had a band that brings rock songs that had spawned her first album, released in Istighfar 2005. The main track is the most famous Tombo Ati, Taqdir, Alhamdulillah and Astaghfirullah.
The next album, entitled The Universe Really (2006) in which the album is ten songs, among them Taqwa, Irhamna, akdir, Heart of light, 25 Prophet, The Universe Really, Bismillah, satu rindu, buka mata buka hati and Ya Rasul. As a hit song in the album which is Taqdir with Melly Goeslaw
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Ustadz Jefri

Jeffry Al-Buchori, uje a popular name, was a preacher or Ustad who appeared with his preaching language pack with the languages of young children. Ustad uje so often is also called as Ustad " gaul".
Also Ustad uje, also conveyed his message in the form of Islamic songs, his debut album, Born Back in 2006 and then launched. Some of the songs he created himself, and sung with the singer of religious songs Muslims, like Opick.
Uje itself is Dian Irawati Pipik husband currently developing a boutique business. Born of their marriage Adiba Kanza and Zahra Mohammad Abidzan Algifari.
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Celine Dion

Céline Marie Claudette Dion (born in Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada, March 30, 1968; age 41 years) or better known by Celine Dion is a singer and pop diva Canadian world. He debuted in the recording industry in 1981 as a French-language singers, under the guidance of René Angélil, who later became her husband until now. He also later became a famous singer in the French-speaking countries.
Celine Dion was born in the small town of Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada from Canada-blooded couple France He grew up in the middle of a simple family who is very close to music. At the age of a child, Celine has begun to appear, and at the age of 12 years, he began recording his first song entitled "Ce n'était qu'un Rêve". His older brother and then send the recording to René Angélil, a manejer music. Angélil was thrilled to hear Dion's voice and determined to make him a star.
In 1981, Celine released her first album in French, La Voix du bon Dieu, who became a local album number 1 in Quebec. The rising popularity as won the World Popular Song Festival 1982 Yamaha in Japan as a "Top Performer" and "Best Song" In 1983, Dion became the first Canadian artist who won the Gold award in France with the single "D'amour ou d'amitié" . In 1988, he again won Eurovision Song Contest event in Switzerland and Ireland.
Until the late 1980s, Celine has released 14 albums in as many as their mother tongue, 11 in Canada and 3 in France. For French-speaking artists he has included a successful artist, but his name is still not known in the English-speaking countries. After seeing the appearance of Michael Jackson, Celine finally determined to be a superstar dunia.Ia then learn English and to remodel an acceptable appearance international music industry.
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